Friday, June 20, 2008

How did the Globetrotters Restaurant Cooking Workshops Come About?

How did the Globetrotters Restaurant Cooking Workshops Come About?

It started with my kids wanting to “help out” in the kitchen, especially when I did not have any domestic help living in the UK.

“Great!” I thought. “This is a wonderful opportunity to train them”, I thought. However, I found myself getting impatient with my 4 year old doing things the wrong way, making a mess, and my 2 year old getting into everything whenever I so much as blinked! I felt stressed not having enough time to check that what he was doing was age-appropriate.

Dinner would take too long to prepare-I loved having them with me, learning how to help in the kitchen, being part of a team. I didn’t want them to grow up the way I did- thinking that used cups got up and washed and dried themselves before going back into the cupboards themselves. It was a rude shock when I lived abroad and found that whatever cup I put down would stay put until someone picked them up and washed them! Neither did I want them to be pushed out of the kitchen to watch TV while food was being prepared, as my English friend did.

My kids absolutely loved cooking- it was such an adventure for them. A friend shared with me how in Scandinavia her kids spent a lot of time in primary school having cooking classes, which is an integral part of the school curriculum. No wonder they produce so many Nobel prize winners in Science! But the inevitable extra work and mess for me just made it so much more effort.

Back in Singapore and after the birth of Globetrotters Restaurant

A restaurant like ours seemed the perfect place to start cooking workshops for kids- where everything could be set up in a child-friendly way. No stress, no frustrations. I tried it out a few times on my own kids and improved the operating procedures so that their needs could be met. As a homeschooling mother, understanding children of that age was easy.

Our staff were initially hesitant. The catalyst came when the French Association asked us whether we could run a workshop for them. They said they would be happy to be the guinea pigs!

And so the Globetrotters Cooking Workshops were born. A time and place where you can celebrate the fun of cooking together with those you love. As I write this, I watch the excited children enter their class, dress up in an apron and a chef’s hat and the proud parents take photos of their children. There is an adorable father and son pair, and a number of happy mothers enjoying rolling the dough next to their children who have their own sets of ingredients.

The instructor is gentle and shows by doing- the kids are so engrossed in what they are doing- the concentration shows in their faces as they knead the dough. Then there is the satisfaction of eating what they have made.

This is a Globetrotters moment- the love, the bonding. This is celebrating the good things in life!

Globetrotters- Celebrating the good things in life!

Family ~ Friends ~ Food ~ Fun ~ Fellowship

Alternatively, we also developed Bob Pizza Decorating (Decorating ready-made bases only) and Sundae Decorating available everyday at our restaurant.

>>More on Globetrotters Restaurant

>>More on Cooking workshops & Other Kids Activities at Globetrotters

1 comment:

klavier said...

Hi Marina!
What a surprise to see globetrotters on blog. I was browsing globetrotters' website and found the link. Reading your blog reminds me of many fun things back there. In particular, I enjoyed myself much helping out the workshops, seeing those kids making pizzas happily right from scratch. Glad to see Globetrotters is growing. Keep it up!
